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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

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Wireless AV & Wireless Conference
The fully automated wireless audio-visual system and wireless conference system provide a straightforward but profound user experience for operation and equipment management.
Full Automation AV Room
The technologies enhance communication, optimize workflows, and elevate the overall experience for all participants.
Meeting Room & Boardroom Automation
Visual assistance is vital for decision making. Audio Visual and collaboration solutions for is key element. They deliver the best digital AV quality, stability and simplicity to users
Workplace - Manage Meeting Room
Make prior or on-the-fly accommodation reservations via a web platform, touch-screen displays, or calendar applications. Take a look at the conference details and room availability.
Digital Audio Conference
Users are able to plan for future expansion with adaptability thanks to the Digital Conference System's flexibility and user experience. Develop all the needs to make the most of its IP-based advantages.
Public Announcement (PA)
Public Announcement (PA) systems are used in any public venue that requires that an announcer, performer, etc. be sufficiently audible at a distance or over a large area.
Large Venue Projection System
For lecture halls, auditoriums, sanctuaries, events and digital signage, these projectors provide uncompromising image quality, brilliant video and professional-grade reliability.
Advanced Education Facility
Audio-visual solutions are commonplace in most classrooms, resulting in teachers and students becoming knowledgeable with educational technology.
Kementerian Kewangan
Kementerian Kewangan
Malaysia​ (Bumiputera)
Lembaga Pembangunan Industri
Pembinaan Malaysia (STB-G5)
e-Perolehan Kerajaan
Certified ISO 9001:2015

Latest update . . . .

Next Level Discussion at Dewan Persidangan Utama - USM

The Bosch Dicentis Conference System has been implemented as a substitute for the obsolete Philip discussion system……….

Hit The Hall as Desired; It's no stranger at Dewan Budaya - USM

Forefront modelled various speaker system designs to work within the challenging parameters including low roof height…..

Conference Rooms Made Easy with Full AV Automation - PDC

Vector scaling technology-enabled Extron multi-window processor MGP 461 4K/60 scaler on a single screen (LED Video Wall)…………………

Line Signalling and Train Control System (S&TCS) - MRT Kajang

The performance during the holy month of Ramadan is due to the efforts of project manager Rizidi and the Visi teams. The struggle……………..

Get More from Your Space. Divide and Combine Rooms - Tokyo Electron

Under the supervision of an IT consultant and interior designer, Visi Dinamik incorporates new and existing audiovisual equipment at ………..

The conference & wireless projection system flexibility - Kulim Advanced

 The video conferencing and wireless projection system bring peace of mind to Kulim Advanced Technologies Sdn Bhd…………….

Upgrading a Collaboration Platform with Cisco BE6000 and TMS Direct - USM

Upgrading a collaboration platform Cisco® with Business Edition 6000 (BE6000) and Cisco TelePresence Management Suite (Cisco TMS)……

Airport facility management insight - Malaysia Airport Sdn Bhd

 Airport  looks way for cost efficiency. One of the key factor Building Automation System (BAS) implementation is to save costs. There are cost of energy, operation cost and maintenance ………

Using web conferencing tools to enhance learning and teaching experiences - USM

VisiDinamik continues to support and maintain Cisco Webex Enterprise / Teams subscriptions to year 2020…….

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